ACT NOW: Macedonian Petition to President Obama and NATO

February 22, 2012 – Washington, D.C. – The United Macedonian Diaspora (UMD) announced today the release of a petition to U.S. President Barack Obama and all NATO Heads of State urging NATO leaders to grant NATO membership to Macedonia at the upcoming NATO Summit in Chicago on May 20-21, 2012. 

UMD urges Macedonians and friends of Macedonia to sign the petition today, and to spread the link as widely as possible, with the goal of attracting 100,000 signatures before the Chicago Summit.

Why This Petition is Important

An invitation for Macedonia to join NATO in Chicago supports NATO’s ultimate mission: a Europe that is democratic, strong, and free.  The country has satisfied all the complex technical criteria for NATO membership, and yet, it remains outside the Alliance due only to Greece’s willful violation of international law. 

To sign the petition, please click HERE

Get Informed, Get Involved

UMD’s Macedonia in NATO Campaign is well underway; a multi-faced project to educate the decision-makers about what is at stake for Macedonia, and to inform concerned members of the public, so they can easily get involved in grass-roots activism of their own. 

The Macedonia in NATO campaign includes a wide variety of public and private initiatives, including a detailed report on why Macedonia deserves an invitation to join NATO, and why the Greek government’s objections are based on false pretenses, including a desire by Greek politicians to deflect from ongoing human rights abuses against the large ethnic Macedonian minority in northern Greece.

To read the report, please click HERENEW REPORT: Unfinished Business: The Importance of NATO Membership for Macedonia

The campaign also encourages the Macedonian Diaspora and friends of Macedonia to take action. Aside from signing and promoting the petition, citizens can also join the related Facebook and Twitter pages, to show their support. 

To join us on social media, please click:


As well, Macedonian-Americans are encouraged to use our automated letter-writing portal Pax Turcica Capwiz, to easily broadcast your own message directly to the American media, and tell your members of Congress that Macedonia deserves full NATO membership.  Over 1,500 letters have been sent already, and the Kalamazoo Gazette already published an article on Macedonia thanks to our action alert. 

To write to the media and the U.S. Congress, please click HERE:

Please consider donating $25, $50, $100, $500 or whatever you can afford to help UMD continue its important efforts to help Macedonia!!!

Previous Dropping of Discriminatory ‘Slav’ Prefix is a Step in the Right Direction for Australia


United Macedonian Diaspora
800 Maine Avenue SW Suite 200 Washington, D.C. 20024

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